I’m here to help you to manage the symptoms of your illness and minimise its impact on your life. In many cases the right diet and a focus on wellness can dramatically improve your health.
Autoimmune Diseases & Inflammatory Conditions
Autoimmune disease and other inflammatory conditions are diseases that result from an overactive immune response against substances and tissues normally present in the body, ie. the body actually attacks its own cells.
Bowel Issues
Living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be incredibly debilitating. It’s no fun having stomach cramps while you’re out and about, or trying to put on your favourite outfit and not being able to do the buttons up properly due to bloating.
Weight Management and Emotional Eating
Each of us has a unique relationship with food. You may feel like food is dominating your life and you need to take back control. Or perhaps you’re tired of constantly planning the next diet. Maybe you struggle with your weight but you can’t commit to making a change.
Women’s Health Issues
Many women have a love/hate relationship with their bodies. The good news is that my expertise in both diet and wellness allows me to help many women take back control and change the thought processes that makes them unhappy.
Food Intolerances and Allergies
What’s the difference between Food Allergies and Food Intolerances? Food Allergies involve the immune system, Food Intolerances generally do not.
Everyone has stress in their lives – but what should you do if it starts taking over? Stress can have a terrible impact on our relationships, our happiness and our health. Even if you’re aware of how stress makes you feel mentally; you may not be aware of the physical impact it’s having on your body.
If you would like to book a 1 on 1 consultation, please contact me today.