Dear Diane, I wanted to let you know that I am walking on air!!!!!! Since our appointment and new eating regime (for psoriasis) the following has happened:
- The scabs on my scalp have gone
- The flaps of my ears have stopped weeping and all scaling has disappeared,
- The sore and cracking welts where the ears meet the skull have gone
- My fingernails have reattached to the bed of my nails
- The redness and lesions on my face have gone
- The scaling of my scalp has improved to the tune of about 80%
- I no longer get out of bed shuffling in pain from the psoriatic arthritis
- I have more energy!!
I had no idea how much improvement may have been possible when I walked out of your office that day and I can’t emphasise how grateful I am to have met you and started using your advise.
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