I was a client of Diane’s last year and I must say seeing Diane was one of the best things I have ever done! About 14 months prior to seeing Diane, I had blood tests to see if gluten was causing my tummy upsets. One of the markers came back positive, so under the guidance of my GP, I immediately went on a gluten free diet and after a couple of weeks, my tummy settled down. I still had tummy issues, headaches and difficulty budging a couple of kilos, so that is why I decided to take the plunge and see a dietitian.

From the series of visits with Diane, I went on a journey of finding out other triggers that were upsetting my tummy, giving me headaches and making it difficult to lose weight. What a journey it has been! Not only am I living a life of eating an abundance of delicious seasonal vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, breads, lean meat, sea food and the odd treat, my husband and three children are being truly nourished by the foods we are eating as a family.

I can honestly say our family food bill has halved with the massive reduction in the processed pre-packaged foods that no longer dominate the pantry (or our lunchboxes)! Eating well certainly doesn’t mean spending lots of money. As a 40-year-old mum of three and full-time kindergarten teacher, I have loads of energy and vitality and a most-of-the-time happy tummy. I feel fantastic! My weight is the best it has ever been and best of all, I am not starving myself to achieve it!

Diane’s approach doesn’t provide a quick-fix diet that is hard to maintain and is destined to fail. Instead, Diane provides education on nourishing our bodies in the best possible way with REAL food.

I would not hesitate in recommending Diane Stride Dietitian.

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