3 ingredients to boost flavour and nutrition

I don’t love spending hours in the kitchen, but I do enjoy delicious food. This is the first one of a blog series on how you can achieve that too.


The main places where cumin is grown are India and Iran. I don’t know about you, but when I think of India I have images of stalls with colourful, flavourful spices. That is exactly the feel that cumin brings to your cooking. It can be added to root vegetables, tofu or meat dishes and enhances the savoury taste of the food.

The potential health benefits for using cumin:

Animal studies have shown that it can help reduce the growth of tumours, but more research is needed in humans. It has been shown to reduce the growth of organisms, so it is no wonder it has been used as a preservative.

For me, my favourite dishes to add it are mince dishes and soup.


This is a herb I had not grown before, but once I had it in my garden, I was hooked. It is so versatile and is super easy to grow. I add it to all sorts of meat and vegetarian dishes. You can also make thyme tea with the leaves.

Health benefits:

Thyme has a range of vitamins and minerals in it, including vitamins A and C, some B vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium. These all support overall health. So, it’s a super easy way to boost nutrition and flavour at the same time. A win-win for you and your family.

I love how easy it is to use. Pulling the leaves off the stalks as I add it to my meals bubbling on the stove is very satisfying. The fresh herb is best added midway in the cooking time. Dried thyme can also be used.

Smoked Paprika

Once you’ve used smoked paprika, it’s hard to ever go back to using regular paprika. The smoky flavour it gives food is especially useful in vegetarian dishes.

Health benefits:

Paprika, and smoked paprika, contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that protect you. They are like a little army for you and fight off the bad guys that cause damage in your body. In this case it includes reducing your risk of cancer and heart disease.

I love the vibrant red colour and the delicious aroma after adding it to the oil. There is no limit to what I will add this spice to. It is best added right at the beginning of cooking.

As a dietitian and nutritionist, I love keeping nutrition simple. Stay tuned in the near future for my blog series on this exact topic.

If you would like to work with me to explore how nutrition can improve your health, you can contact me here.

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